Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tips and Tricks That Can Make You Successful in Standup Comedy

By Simon Kate

Standup is a multibillion dollar business that revolves around creating laughter. It is actually quite a rewarding profession both on personal and personal fronts. You are responsible for the smile across so many people is a beautiful thought in itself. Additionally you get a good pay too at the end. As simple as it sounds but the profession is not that easy. It comes with its own host of adventures and hard work too. If you wish to make to taste success on the other side of the stage then these tips could help you.
In comedy scripts matter a lot and you should always have some fresh content. To work on this it's a good habit to carry a notebook with you when you are on the move. Observe things or conversations that happen around you that could be given a comic twist. Actually everything in life has some sort of humor in it. You have to just perceive it by keeping your senses open. Moreover you should try to write jokes on a daily basis because you need a lot of content when you do stand up.
Sometime back a reporter asked a very famous standup artist, "how to be a comedian?" He answered it in line by saying comedy is ninety percent expression. You may have caught my message. Yes comedy is all about expressions. You may have also observed it many times that the same joke performed by two different persons can create different responses. It could be a matter a crazy laughter in one case but can fell flat with other one. It all depends upon how you present your jokes to your audience. To work on this regard it essential that you practice your sessions daily in front of the mirror. Observe your expressions and work on your speech too. Additionally you can also perform it in front your friends or family to observe the kind of response that it could generate. You can also work on your speech such that the memorized material appears spontaneous not as something from a parrots mouth. Many times you need to perceive the crowd too and deliver your gig accordingly. Your daily practice would help you in such situations.

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